Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pharmacy Graffiti 4 Ever

On my way to work I drive past an old mill with a large warehouse and usually some boxcars sitting along side it. It's a place that's ripe for the graffiti artists. The other day I noticed spray-painted high up on one of the buildings "I Love Xanax".

I'm waiting for someone to come along and add "DAW."


Casey said...

Hmm, that sounds strangely familiar.

Without giving away your location (unless you are ok with that), is it close to where the Light Rail runs?

I remember seeing that building while riding it this summer...

But then again I'm sure there is more than one person that spraypaints about liking Xanax in this country. ;)

Frantic Pharmacist said...

Hmm, could be we're looking at the same one! Unless of course our Xanax-lovin' graffiti artist has copycats around the country! After all, everyone DOES love Xanax...

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Refill: PRN