Sunday, May 24, 2009

This Made Me Want to Cross my Arms

Yesterday I had a woman come in with a question about breastfeeding while she was on an antibiotic. As I was trying to focus on her question I was also trying to keep an eye on a wild 2-ish year old kid who was in the process of tearing up my OTC shelves. As the woman eventually nodded toward this same child during her questioning I came to the realization that the kid she was breastfeeding was this wild 2-ish year old kid who was in the process of tearing up my OTC shelves. She didn't seem to believe my answer to her question (that breastfeeding in this antibiotic situation was OK). Gosh, I wanted to say, maybe you should think about calling it quits with the breastfeeding.

This kid was 2 years old. Wild. With teeth.
People sure are......funny....

PS: Mom. I find it neither cute nor funny when your little kid stands there with a big smile on his/her face while they pick up and shake the crap out of every bottle of tablets out there. The eventual buyer will find the tablets broken and crumbled and they will return them and I will throw them out. Thanks for that. I am not running a playroom.


EC said...

Ouch. Oh my gosh - major ouch!

Grumpy, M.D. said...

Yeah, I hate these rude people. They let their kids play with my exam tools, scare my fish, and cause havoc.

And when I ask them, "Please control your child" they get pissed off like I'M the problem.

Like you said. This is not a playroom.

Wunderwoman said...

I hate it when parents won't control their children out in public. When they are home, that's their business, but out in public PLEASE make them behave!

Filet-o-bitch RPh said...

so funny!! check out my blog at Thanks!

MomNurseWife said...

It's always painful to watch folks out with their children behaving completely out of control while they do NOTHING. I have four children and can run errands with everyone behaving reasonably well, because it is the expectation, and has been since they were young.

But...although extended breastfeeding isn't for everyone, many do breastfeed beyond infancy. I guess I'm so dissapointed in the dismally low breastfeeding rates for infants that I appreciate when a mom and baby/child have been successful and continued their breastfeeding realtionship beyond "I'll try..." only to give up after two feedings because it was too much work.

Love your blog, btw :)

Jade Lightweaver said...

We have a Water Cooler in our patient waiting are. The catch tray does not have a drain an it seems like every day I come to work and have to lift the precariously overfilled tray out and use the wasted water to feed some potted trees in said waiting area. I've seen kids playing with it and it is not hard to make the connection. I'm not a parent yet but, if it were my kid playing with it like a toy, they would be on my knee for a spanking. Hey, I don't run around doing things like that so it must work, right.